Poenaiki Raioha
Pro Rider
5 years ago
Gran Canaria Pro-Am was the best way to end the 2019 season for the APP World Tour - Check out the action right here!
8 years ago
Patrice Chanzy and Poenaiki Raioha making us all want to go to Tahiti again, I can hear my credit card groaning already! The Madeiro from...
8 years ago
Oh WOW! Stop what you are doing and take 5 minutes to watch this, it's got more drones than the US military, more cutbacks than...
8 years ago
Check out the F-One Papenoo, these stubby short boards are really fun to ride, we tested this board in our latest issue and absolutely loved...
9 years ago
Anyone want to SUP in Tahiti? Anyone wish they were a teenage charger? Nah, me neither. If you did though, this is a pretty cool...
I’m 24yo. I’m a tahitan stand Up Paddle Surfer, I love everything that has a connection to ocean