Tonic Mag Hoody and T-Shirt

Win a Tonic Mag Hoody and T-Shirt this issue in our FREE subscriber prize draw.

Tonic Mag Hoody and T-Shirt

Check out all the highlights from the APP Maui Pro Am in one handy place! We’ve got videos of the all the racing from the weekend including the legendary Maliko Run downwind event which was particularly gruelling this year as there was no wind! At the bottom of the post you’ll find all the results too! Enjoy!

Sprint Highlights from Saturday

Tonic Mag Hoody and T-Shirt

Win a Tonic Mag Hoody and T-Shirt this issue in our FREE subscriber prize draw.

Tonic Mag Hoody and T-Shirt

Downwind Highlights from Sunday

Tonic Mag Hoody and T-Shirt

Win a Tonic Mag Hoody and T-Shirt this issue in our FREE subscriber prize draw.

Tonic Mag Hoody and T-Shirt


Men’s Top Ten

Women’s Full Results

Wed 15th Mar, 2017 @ 12:30 pm

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