Pair of FacePlant Sunglasses

Win a Pair of FacePlant Sunglasses this issue in our FREE subscriber prize draw.

Pair of FacePlant Sunglasses

YESSS! This is brilliant, you have to watch this week’s #wipeoutwednesday! I love how they anticipate the crash before it actually happens!

Music by Dickless Juli: “Get Out of My Way”

The Surf Channel is an original, free, ad supported television network delivered on cable, satellite and IPTV services, web and wireless. The Video On Demand television network will be found on cable, satellite, telco and digital. Distribution partners include: Comcast, Cox Communications, DirecTV, Dish Network,

For industry news around the clock and to find out about the upcoming television launch, check out:

* Twitter/Instagram your best barrel face to win prizes every month to #TheSurfChannel #BarrelFace, and ‘Like’ us on Facebook to join history’s first network dedicated to the great sport of surfing.

Wed 14th Feb, 2018 @ 3:30 pm

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