Three Perfect Surfboards For Ripping Up Beautiful Mexican Pointbreaks
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Last month, we featured Zack Flores putting his self-shaped crafts to the test in Mexico, riding each one switch-foot. Also on that trip with Flores, and inspiring his impressive ambidextrous performance, was 18-year-old Ian Gottron from Dana Point, California. Gottron, a natural, natural foot, spent his time on Mexico’s famed right points testing three different boards shaped by three established shapers: A Round Nose Fish Retro quad by Matt Biolos, an asymmetrical twin fin by Donald Brink and a thruster built by Tyler Warren.
While Gottron rips on all three, it’s his performance on the Warren shortboard that really stands out (especially that stand-up shack at 5:50). “Tyler gave this board to me because it was a hair too thin for him, and I was really stoked to be able to steal this one off him,” says Gottron, fresh off a morning of perfect pits. “It surfs just how Tyler surfs: buttery smooth and sick.”
This clip will inspire you to tuck your standard shortboard away in a corner of your garage and maybe order something weird. That, and book a flight to Mexico.
Thu 1st Aug, 2019 @ 4:15 am