Forward Wip Wing Harness Line 2.0 & Wing Belt 2.0 Combo

Win a Forward Wip Wing Harness Line 2.0 & Wing Belt 2.0 Combo this issue in our FREE subscriber prize draw.

Forward Wip Wing Harness Line 2.0 & Wing Belt 2.0 Combo

The Flaka is a trick that comes from windsurfing. It’s probably the first move you’ll try after a straight air & you’ll get some decent tips in this video.

​The Father/Son exchange continues.
Once again we find Patrice and Malo confronting their own two ways of making the Flaka. Two different analyses which arise mainly from their difference in body size. Once again an interesting night class that proves that training with repetition of the movements on the ground and sharing experience between riders is always good.

L’ échange père/fils continue dans la bonne humeur !
On retrouve à nouveau Patrice et Malo qui confronte leurs deux façons propres d’effectuer un Flaka. Deux analyses différentes qui émanent surtout de leur différence de gabarit. Encore une fois un cours du soir intéressant qui prouve que s’entrainer à répéter les gestes à terre et partager son expérience entre riders a du bon.

Wing Foilers: Malo, Team rider GONG, and l’Ours with their GONG Wing Pulse.

Wed 30th Dec, 2020 @ 3:30 pm

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