GWA Wingfoil World Cup Leucate | Let the action begin!
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We had a sopping wet morning here in Leucate on Saturday, with a thrilling 8 degrees Celsius, the perfect temperature to chill the rider’s nerves before their heats. But the rain certainly didn’t dampen the mood as finally…
There was a cold NW blowing 20kts gusting to 25kts, increasing throughout the day and unexpected torrential rains making it hard to see the signal flags from the ocean and hear the judges call .We completed one Men’s and Women’s elimination round of the Surf-Race discipline and started with the Men’s Surf-Freestyle.
After making their way through round 3, the riders were released, after a long wet day here in Leucate. The riders needed to rest their body after 9 hours of heat and cold therapy they endured over the rounds. The competitors all left the beach still flying with windblown eyes and smiles plastered across their faces as they head home.
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Video by Mintautas Grigas
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