Tonic Mag Hoody and T-Shirt

Win a Tonic Mag Hoody and T-Shirt this issue in our FREE subscriber prize draw.

Tonic Mag Hoody and T-Shirt

Cool little edit from Gunnar Biniasch. Worth a watch if you want to get these moves dialled in!

Wingfoil: Tacks, Gybes, Waterstars and other easy tricks

Filmed by Doris Klemm and Florian Schascher

Equipment List:
Wings: North Nova 5m and 4.2m
Board: North Swell 5’4″
Foil: North Sonar Carbon 1250 and 1500R

Camera: Blackmagic Pocket Cinema 6K Pro

Music: “Easy Money” by Rex Banner (Licensed from

#wingfoil​ #northkiteboarding​ #fuerteventura

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Sun 2nd May, 2021 @ 12:30 pm

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