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Tonic Mag Hoody and T-Shirt

Wing foiling is fun, kite foiling is fun, but which is better? Watch this video and decide for yourself, we love them both but right now if we had to choose we’d go wing everytime, there is just nothing quite like it!

Nothing else but good times at Naish beach here on the beautiful island of Maui. Sunset sessions are my favorite and this day was a lot of fun riding with Ewan Jaspan and Sirena.
Thanks for watching,

Music: Pomodoro – Molife

Kite Gear:
Naish Boxers
Mauiskimmers foilboard
Lift foil 90 HA with Horue tail wing
Mystic Harness

#wingfoiling #foiling
winging wing foil kanaha maui hawaii

Fri 12th Aug, 2022 @ 12:30 pm

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