Pair of FacePlant Sunglasses

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Pair of FacePlant Sunglasses

Our hearts were racing with this one!

Tom Court shares his latest wing nightmare! At home on the Isle of Wight, he was putting his new Duotone Slick SLS 6.5 foil wing through its paces when the worst happened. His hydrofoil wing tore through the leading edge and burst the Wingfoil, stranding him about a mile out to sea. How does the story unfold? Watch and find out!

Will this wingmare get your vote this year?

To vote for this video, share this page! The video with the most views wins. * (Closes 4th Feb 2023)

To view all nominations, please click here: Best Wing/Foiling Video of 2022 Nominations

* Views are counted from this page not the video platform. View counts are updated every 4hrs

Tue 20th Dec, 2022 @ 1:56 pm

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