Pair of FacePlant Sunglasses

Win a Pair of FacePlant Sunglasses this issue in our FREE subscriber prize draw.

Pair of FacePlant Sunglasses

Are you ready for this one?! Takuma are beyond stoked to be sharing this footage with our community. Last summer, they took the opportunity to explore the unspoiled oceans of the Maldives and took advantage of its paradisiac beaches for the foiling trip of a lifetime. Stunning images, amazing riders, including Matahi Drollet, Lo-Paul Etienne, Mo Chauvin and a killer production team made a really unforgettable result. We hope you enjoy the result as much as we do!

Our team riders Matahi Drollet, Lo-Paul tienne, Mo Chauvin have pushed their skills and performance to the next level. Watch them in awe and discover our latest product collection:

Causing Jet eFoil
Morning Sun Prone board
Tanji wing
Kujira foil range
and many more

At Takuma, we get a huge kick out of seeing how much fun people have with our products, it really is the best motivation. We love developing new products and features and are trying to take the foiling sport further. We strive to provide you with the best gear to score your ultimate sessions.

Takuma. Takes you further.

Wed 14th Dec, 2022 @ 12:30 pm

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