News Tagged: 'Alex Aguera'
3 years ago
Watch the whole crew including Olivia Jenkins, Jesse Richman, Kai Lenny and others ripping it at Jaws last weekend!
3 years ago
Tucker McGrath pumping around wingfoilers testing out his new GoFoil RS1000 with the 14.5 short fixed red tail on his own built board. Will he...
3 years ago
The new GoFoil GT2200 looks like a pumping machine. Check the video to see John Akerman pump around his local spot with minimal effort. See...
4 years ago
One of the hardest things you can do on a foil is paddle up in flat water. Watch as Tomoko Okazaki gets it done in...
4 years ago
Have you tried pump foiling and dock starting? This maybe the video and the team that inspires you to go give it a go. It...
4 years ago
You know its windy when your on a 2.7m wing but in this video Karla Aguera makes the breezy conditions look like any other day....
4 years ago
You know you got skills when you can step out of the car fully clothed and dock start, pump out a quick circle and then...
4 years ago
Pumping out from the rocks at The Gorge, Austin Kalama making it look relatively easy to get going and keep it going on particularly light...
4 years ago
Downwinders are one of the best bits of winging that coupled with a huge array of foils suit able for even the smallest wind blown...