News Tagged: 'Amit Inbar'
9 months ago
Join Amit Inbar on a spontaneous journey exploring the Aegean Sea in Greece. Driven by northern solid Meltemi winds, he discovered perfect conditions for dw...
1 year ago
Amit Inbar supfoiling on Armstrong Foils DW Board during his foil camp in Chicama. To view Armstrong Foils DW Board, please click here.
7 years ago
Check this out! Amit Inbar catching some waves on his Foil during the Sri Lanka surf camp. In between sessions, Amit finds time to enjoy...
7 years ago
Amit Invar have an epic session on his SUP Foil at his home stop in Peru! Amit is training for Peru camp in April
8 years ago
How good is Amit Inbar making Peru look lately? That's it, I'm decided, it's been on my radar for long enough, I'm going, who's coming...
8 years ago
Chicama in Peru is the stuff of legends, a 2km long left-hand point break that can offer rides like you have never had before. A...