News Tagged: 'Deep SUP'

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8 years ago

Hows this for an old school shred fest? Dogman and Jackson Close head out to Lizard Island to take on perfect right handers on their...

8 years ago

Dogman's back with a new edit to get you frothing for a session! This time he is putting his new 7'10 through it's paces on...

8 years ago

Need a little wake-up call this morning? Check out this fast paced edit from the 12 Towers Ocean Paddle Race that went down last week....

8 years ago

Snapper Rocks on the Gold Coast is known as a killer surf spot, it's crowded and the locals can be pretty aggressive, taking a SUP...

8 years ago

Take a look at this superb logging action from Dogman. It's not all about sofa surfing... Dogman is always frothing no matter the conditions and...

8 years ago

Love a bit of old school log riding! What would you do on a rainy Sunday? Would you sit inside and listen to the pitta...

8 years ago

Dogman... stylin it out... They say it's not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean that matters. least thats what...
