News Tagged: 'Leroy Xavier'

8 years ago

Check out Xavier Leroy getting is cross-step down on the GONG 9'2Pro longboard SUP, these types of boards are the perfect antidote to the small...

8 years ago

Leroy Xavier looks to be getting to grips with his SUP foil at his home spot in France, he's making it look annoyingly easy, we...

8 years ago

Leroy Xavier giving the GONG Curve Pro 90L a going over in France, the waves look super fun and Leroy is ripping as usual! Watching...

8 years ago

Dayum, Leroy Xavier has got some silky skills on a long board! Check him out hot stepping his way around the 9'2 Freak from Gong SUP...

8 years ago

Have you ever heard of the Soloshot? It's a device that FILMS YOU while you ride! You wear an armband and attach a camera to...
