News Tagged: 'Nazare'

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7 years ago

WAAAAA! This is epic! A bunch of the worlds best surfers on a mega SUP at Nazaré. A MUST SEE! Felipe Gordo juntou sua equipe...

7 years ago

This is a horrific wipeout at Nazare! Tom Butler is lucky to be here, be careful out there kids! Think Bigger was made by Tom...

8 years ago

There is nothing like a bit of big wave carnage to set you up for the day, check out this video from Red Bull featuring...

8 years ago

Let's kick off the day with this shred fest from Nazaré in Portugal with paddle and tow crews taking on some of the world's biggest...

8 years ago

Yes, that speck on the camera is a surfer! More footage of Jamie Mitchell, Kai and some other serious watermen prone paddling into Nazare. Boom....

8 years ago

Nazare BWT final footage. The overall winner was SUP and all round paddle craft legend Jamie Mitchell. Check out his winning wave about half way...
