News Tagged: 'Remi Quique'
4 years ago
The F-One lineup is short of no stars and the kit matches their quality making this video well worth a watch. Mizo, Titouan and Remi...
4 years ago
Brazilian vibes and smooth curves... watch Rémi Quique surf foiling in Brazil. Rider: Rémi Quique Vidéo: Victor Dutra
5 years ago
6-min of PURE foil action! Watch Mizo Fernando, Titouan Galea & Remi Quique as they put the 2020 F-ONE foil collection to the test.
5 years ago
Check out the full video about Remi's adventures in Sumatra, Indonesia where he was the first man who surf foiled The Bono wave (or Seven...
8 years ago
It's coming, the unmistakable tidal wave of SUP foiling seems to be taken over, the riders are getting better and what looked like a fringe...