News Tagged: 'Roberto Ricci'

7 years ago

This board will take you from lakes to waves - RRD Air Evo Collection is the perfect allrounder inflatable board for everyone! It’s the real...

7 years ago

Now, you can be on the water in any conditions! Check our RRD's new Evo Convertable line of inflatable boards can become the perfect companion...

7 years ago

Can you imagine being able to go as fast on an inflatable board as you can on a full carbon board? This is what the...

7 years ago

The RRD AIRSUP Convertible V4 is the perfect board program to ride waves as a SUP and enjoy learning how to windsurf! It is maneuverable,...

7 years ago

And here it is... tested and reviewed, check out RRD's 2018 LongSUP 9'4''! Looks like a pretty sweet ride, have you tried it? Let us know...

8 years ago

The new Razzle Dazzle 12'6 and 14 boards are out from RRD, and we're more excited than a toddler in a candy store, that might...