News Tagged: 'Roger “Dogman” Saunders'

7 years ago

If you ignore the first really weird 40 seconds, the rest of this edit is pretty epic! Some say that Currumbin Alley has to be...

8 years ago

Dogman loses his fins again and goes on a mental shred session in Australia, his talents are totally baffling us at the office, I guess...

8 years ago

Dogman crushes it once again this time without any fins! Watch this amazing edit featuring him doing more 360's than a kid playing 1080 Snowboarding...

8 years ago

It's always a pleasure to watch Dogman shred, and this edit is no different! With more hacks than a newspaper and more cutbacks than the...

8 years ago

Hows this for an old school shred fest? Dogman and Jackson Close head out to Lizard Island to take on perfect right handers on their...

8 years ago

Dogman's back with a new edit to get you frothing for a session! This time he is putting his new 7'10 through it's paces on...

8 years ago

Snapper Rocks on the Gold Coast is known as a killer surf spot, it's crowded and the locals can be pretty aggressive, taking a SUP...

8 years ago

Sick little edit from the Aussie boys again... If anyone can make the most of a situation that involves you not taking yourself too seriously,...

9 years ago

More action from 'Dogman' down under with the epic surf sport of sofa surfing. Apparently after returning to Australia from South-east Asia on his never...
