News Tagged: 'RRD'

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8 years ago

RRD call this, the bicycle of the water. Ride it anywhere and have fun. Essentially a wide boy all round shape, its good for most...

8 years ago

WASSUP?... I guess the answer would be this one. A board to surf, sail, cruise, fish, pose, train. What SUP? This looks like a good...

8 years ago

RRD upping the standard for what we should expect in an inflatable tourer for 2017... The perfect board to put in your car and go...

8 years ago

New website alert! RRD have just launched their new site for 2017 showcasing all the new SUP gear for Y22, some tasty looking toys on...

8 years ago

The latest offering from RRD on their inflatables department. You don't have to semi clad, beautiful or Italian to enjoy these boards. I think anyone...

9 years ago

When Mr Ricci puts out some shapes we reckon he has 2 criteria high on the design spec. The first he shares with most board...

9 years ago

This looks like a quality way to spend a Sunday afternoon! paddling en masse with a crew of likeminded individuals in an amazing location. No...