News Tagged: 'Stefan Spiessberger'

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3 years ago

Travelling the world for the past ten years has made Stefan appreciate being home again. Austria’s Alps might not be the windiest place, the warmest...

4 years ago

One of the best things about wingfoiling is the accessibility. For most other sports the best athletes in the world are based at some of...

4 years ago

Podersdorf has been an Austrian mecca of waterbased sports with many competitions being held there in both windsurfing and kitesurfing and no clearly wingfoiling is...

4 years ago

Stefan Spiessberger head for a weekend trip to Croatia and does some wing shredding! Duotone Slick & Fanatic Sky Wing 4'8 & 5'0 Thanks for...

4 years ago

Stefan Spiessberger has just picked up his brand new Duotone Slick. Watch as he takes it for a shred on a cold alpine lake! Gear:...

4 years ago

One of the most attractive things about wing foiling is that you can launch from a lot more locations than you can kiteboarding or even...

4 years ago

He never thought he'd enjoy it, but now Stefan Spiessberger is hooked! Never thought to get so hooked on foiling until I realised the possibilities...

4 years ago

PURE DEDICATION! Stefan Spiessberger hikes up to the highest wingfoilable lake in Austria - you've got to watch this!