News Tagged: 'Sunova'

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8 years ago

Aussie Summer shredding in boardies and t-shirt on the Sunova Flow 7'10 and Style 10'0... Northern Hemisphere filter: don't watch this if you suffer jealousy...

8 years ago

More Aussie walls of glass and, board walking and power hacks from Sammy Watts styling on the Sunova Style XL - 10′ x 30.5. Nice...

8 years ago

The Sunova crew put some of their prone surfboards and SUP surfboards to the test in the spiritual home of surfing. Looks they handled themselves...

8 years ago

Question... do you train for SUP? probably if you're a racer. Does anyone train for surf? I don't mean just going surfing and working on...

8 years ago

Have you hear of Sunova? We shared a video earlier about their chief shaper Bert Berger. Here we see Andrew Cassidy taking the Sunova Search...

8 years ago

Bert Burger was one of the top boys at Firewire. Things changed for him. He now heads up Sunova, who as well as surfboards are...
