News Tagged: 'SUP Touring'

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8 years ago

Motorize your SUP or kayak, or even yourself if you feel so inclined...? Kind of feel like if you do you've missed the point... but...

8 years ago

RRD upping the standard for what we should expect in an inflatable tourer for 2017... The perfect board to put in your car and go...

8 years ago

J'aime le French esprit d'adventure. Truly on display here. What a fabulous looking trip to be involved in and a vrai bon idee... (Some passing...

8 years ago

The crew from Boardworks inspiring us all to paddle where ever you happen to be. Some great spots here, what a nice way to spend...

8 years ago

Smack... take that... there you go! Starboard deliver on their freshest sticks which will be gracing shops, mags and demos near you soon, if not...

8 years ago

A stunning looking SUP session on Lake Ganguise, near Toulouse. The scenery is incredible and paddling through the mangroves makes for a unique experience!

8 years ago

This is a really lovely visual experience, no matter what kind of SUP you enjoy... waves, flat water, tropical blues and greens. Sit back and...

8 years ago

With most people plumping for an inflatable, these types of board are in danger of being over looked. This looks like a fabulous gender specific...

8 years ago

Got room in your garage for a quiver of SUPs? No me neither. Reckon this offering from Robby and Co could be the one to...
