News Tagged: 'Takuma'

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2 years ago

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to pair your Takuma efoil with the remote control. As setting up an efoil can seem complicated at...

3 years ago

If you watch one video this morning, make sure it's this one - Airon Selli made the 4:00 am wake-up call and was ready to...

3 years ago

The Takuma Cruising 2 E-foil is one of the most user-friendly E-foils on the market due to its voluminous, innovative board shape and suitability for...

3 years ago

Andrew, Jack, Kahi, and Kawika took the foils out to get a piece of the bombing swell that hit the south shore! Conditions were pretty...

3 years ago

It was a super windy summer full of winging for the Maui crew!

3 years ago

Nicole, Stephane & Leo Etienne cruising on their Takuma gear - CK50, RS4,3, Nicole TK55, WK3,5 with 980 Foil. To view all Takuma products, please...

3 years ago

Kahi Pacarro scored some decent swell, but the wind made it a bit difficult for the drone! The results? You'll have to watch!

3 years ago

It was a day no one will forget as Venezuelan powerhouse Gollito Estredo won his first GWA event by defeating young gun Malo Guenole -...

3 years ago

It's happening! From the 6th - the 9th of July, for the first time the GWA Wingfoil World Tour is heading to Lanzarote, Canary Islands...
