News Tagged: 'Titouan Galea'
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3 years ago
What a crew!! Watch Bowie van der Linden, Fabian Muhmenthaler, Titouan Galea, Marcela Witt, Chris Junior, Hendrick Lopes, Tom Hartmann, Hugo Marin, Chucho Nonnot, Francesco...
3 years ago
Innovation from the core, adventure in their DNA and audacity is their mantra - what a year it's been for F-ONE. We can't wait to...
3 years ago
Day Three of the Tarifa Wing Pro was all about the tow-in action, as they ran an expression session in the waves whilst the athletes...
3 years ago
Just a few days before the final stop of the GWA Wingfoil World Tour kicks off in Tarifa! They'll crown both the World Champions in...
3 years ago
It doesn't get much better than this! Titouan and the crew scored a trip to the other side of the planet, and there's no way...
3 years ago
Just in case you missed it! Day 5 at Superfoil Brazil was all about the full-speed racing action. Fortaleza continued to dish out some perfect...
3 years ago
If you haven’t seen Titouan Galea on his wing before, you are missing out! The F-ONE America team met up on Maui, and Titouan flew...
3 years ago
Titouan recently raised the bar with the double backflip a few weeks ago in Maui and now it seems Zane Schweitzer is aiming to join...
4 years ago
This video may only be nearly three minutes long but you will want to make sure you are free for the next 15 minutes as...