News Tagged: 'Tomo Murabayashi'

4 years ago

Have you tried pump foiling and dock starting? This maybe the video and the team that inspires you to go give it a go. It...

4 years ago

Sit back and enjoy a few minutes of downwind foiling with Kalama Performance in Rufus Oregon. Nothing else is need in the video just some...

4 years ago

Riding waves has often been about the longest ride, foiling has blown wave lengths out of the water and now people are measuring in kilometres....

4 years ago

Now they're some MASSIVE foiling waves. Sick edit even with some wobbly footage. Huge NE Swell finally dropped enough for the gang to get out...

4 years ago

Dave Kalama & Tomo Murabayashi out tow foiling & making it look easy. Here's what Tomo had to say: Dave and I out towing around...

4 years ago

In this short clip Tomo Murabayashi takes you though his wingfoil tack. Check it out. @foiltomo WingFoil Tacking 101 ウイングフォイル タッキング 101 @gofoil NL130 40...

4 years ago

The Maui SUP foil downwinders look simply stunning. Hands up if you'd like to do one one day! Dave Kalama Foil Tomo GoFoil DownWind foil...

4 years ago

9.5 miles of big ocean foiling. Doesn't get much better than that. @davekalama and @foiltomo @gofoil DownWind Foiling!! 9.5 miles Non stop Glide @gofoil NL190...

4 years ago

Back to Winging for the Go Foil team this week! You just can't beat a wingfoil session with friends. #scotmackie #jasonhall #tomo #dantaylor #gofoil #boardridingmaui...
