News Tagged: 'Zane Kekoa Schweitzer'

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8 years ago

This is a great little edit summing up team Hawaii's time out in Fiji for the ISA Worlds. Looks like a perfect destination for SUP...

8 years ago

Watching some of the world's best get wiped out in Hawaian surf! In 2016 the Stand Up World Series brought their championship finals to the...

8 years ago

The surf finals from the what looks like a pretty thumping Cloudbreak. Shakira Westdorp and Zane Schweitzer bringing home the bacon to Australia and Hawaii...

8 years ago

BOOOOM... this is SUP racing... Surely this is what separates us from other flat water sprint paddle events and allows us to keep a toe...

8 years ago

Apparently Zane copped a load of flack for this online, despite it being a demo at a specific paddle event; the 2016 Pacific Paddle Games...

8 years ago

Take 5, Pocket of plastic, whatever guise they come in, we are all for making our ocean a nicer place to paddle... Zane Schweitzer &...

8 years ago

Zane Schweitzer and Connor Baxter amongst some of the elite athletes competing in this event in California at the moment. Be great to see more...

8 years ago

There are very few words to describe this, other than maybe the most futuristic wakeboard session ever? Zane Schweitzer and Connor Baxter pulled a foil...

8 years ago

This is being called the decathlon of the sea by some. 8 events, from free surfing to prone paddling and SUP racing. Looks awesome. The...
