Urdhva Mukha Svanasana / Upward Facing dog
Technique / SUP Yoga
Low to gravity, upward facing dog is a stable posture to practice on a SUP. It opens the back and stretches the front of the body which feels amazing especially when you take big deep breaths in. Press both hands evenly onto the board and imagine lifting up and out of the chest rather than simply leaning backwards. Depending on back mobility/flexibility, the arch of the back will be more or less, take it at your own pace.
This technique article was in Issue 14 of Tonic Mag.
By Chantal and Ben
Chantal and Ben make a strong dynamic team in sharing their lifestyle, passion for yoga, water sports and love of the ocean to others with a focus on fun, safety and appreciation for the oceanic environment. They are both highly qualified in their fields and have trained countless people over the years across various water sports. Their business, Kite West, operates SUP Yoga coaching in both Geraldton, Western Australia and Bali, Indonesia. Get in touch for personalised coaching across a wide range of activities!